CHEurope – Kick-off​ meeting

CHEurope kick-off meeting took place in Gothenburg from the 27th to the 30th June 2017. There, for the first time, I met all the ESR that are part of this project and their supervisors.

The aim of CHEurope project is to explore the processes by which heritage is ‘assembled’ in our society, by researching five contexts in which heritage is undergoing profound changes. Themes of the research are the implication of heritage in the development of our society (WP1 – Theorising heritage futures in Europe); the healing role of heritage institutions for the past, present and future development of the city (WP2 – Curating the city); the impact of digital cultural heritage on the society (WP3 – Digital heritage); the role of culture and heritage in people wellbeing (WP4 – Heritage and wellbeing); and finally, the processes involved in the generation, appropriation and use of heritage (WP5 – Heritage management and citizen participation in a multi-cultural world). I share WP3 – Digital Heritage with other three amazing colleagues.

The program included an introductory presentation of each ESR and the keynote lectures by the project’s coordinators and by the main supervisors of the five work packages. On June 29th we visited the UNESCO World Heritage prehistoric rock-art site of Tanum, under the guidance of Professor Kristian Kristiansen (UGOT) and Ulf Bertilsson (UGOT, Swedish Rock Art Research Archives).

Let’s Rock!

Tanum prehistoric​ rock-art – Vitlyckehäll (image from​ Wikipedia)


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